have placed my Pedigree Charts here. It is my intent to share this family
information in the hope that a distant relative somewhere can share some
additional information with me. If you know more than what I have here,
or you have photos that you would like to share, please email me.
some cases, information is intentionally left blank. It is my sincerest
desire to keep private information private. Therefore, I have omitted
all but names on individuals that are still alive. Unfortunately, that
means that you may not know that I am missing some information.
you are a relative of mine, I would very much like for you to correct
inaccurate data and to contact me. I was recently invited to a family
reunion of some of my cousins this way. I would not have known about the
reunion if it weren't for one of my cousins stumbling across this site
and contacting me.
genealogy information here includes entries for 20,663 individuals and
3975 unique surnames. They comprise the whole of my research, so far.
Some are related by blood, some are related by marriage, and some aren't
related at all, but may be connected. |