welcome you to An American Soldier's Genealogy,
and hope we can share some information. This site has 21,044 people that
are related to my wife and I through blood and marriage. I have organized
the data into three different categories to provide different methods
of searching for names and information: Ancestral
Charts, Family Group Records,
and Pedigree Charts.
you find a relative, let me
know. I would like to share in your discovery. If you find errors
or needed corrections in dates, places, or anything else, please let me
know. I will never directly research most of these individuals, but I
am interested in having as accurate information as possible.
use Family Tree Maker (ver. 10.0) and Legacy (ver. 4.0) for my research.
Those that would care for parts of my file in [.ftw], [.fdb], or [.ged]
format are welcome to the information. Just email
me your specific request. |